Case Study: Car Cleaning Product Manufacturer

schedule17th Jun 24

APS was approached by a prominent manufacturer and supplier of cleaning products catering to the automotive industry. The client was in the process of building a new facility aimed at automating the mixing of diverse chemicals to produce their cleaning solutions.

Solutions provided

Our expertise in air pollution control allowed us to develop bespoke LEV systems, considering factors such as airflow dynamics, chemical characteristics, and operator safety. High-efficiency filtration systems were integrated into each system to effectively capture and remove contaminants, safeguarding both worker health and environmental integrity. Throughout the project lifecycle, APS ensured strict adherence to regulations and standards, providing the client with peace of mind regarding legal compliance and workplace safety.

Benefits and outcomes

By partnering with APS to design and implement comprehensive LEV solutions, the client successfully mitigated occupational health risks associated with chemical exposure in the workplace. The integration of advanced filtration systems not only improved air quality, but also contributed to environmental sustainability by minimising emissions and reducing the facility’s carbon footprint.

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